Wither the Clintons?

I suppose there are some republicans like me who feel like the whole world was just turned upsidedown with the election of Barack Obama.
I was so concerned about the Clintons getting back into the white house, I spent a great deal of time and energy rooting for Barack, simply because I could not stomach the Clinton Gestapo taking the reigns of power again.
A few weeks before the election I started to do some serious research about Obamas past associations and marxist worldview. The more I read, the more I gagged at the thought of him being our president and commander in chief of our armed forces.
If its not concerned citizens arming themselves tooth and nail against the world government thug – o – crats who are about to launch perhaps the biggest nanny state takeover of american life, just reading the chats at Free Republic the past few weeks has convinced me that many freedom lovers are feeling the same angst that I am.
Concerns about Barack Obama stem from his unwillingness to prove that he is a Natural Born American Citizen.
His complete ties to Communists like Bill Ayers who has been accused of writing Obamas Biography Dreams from my father and will likely be very involved in an Obama Administration.
His motivation to suspend US Sovereignty in order to hand America over to a World Collective.
Ron Paul was interviewed by Alex Jones on this topic recently.
And for me the ultimate betrayal of the American Psyche and trust is the many claims that Mr. Obama is a closet Bi Sexual and has been cheating on his wife Michelle for the whole of their marriage. A MAN WHO WILL CHEAT ON HIS WIFE WILL CHEAT ON HIS COUNTRY!!!
I was watching season one of 24 last night, (never watched that one as I did not get into the show until season 2). As I watched the set up for the dynamics of the show, it reminded me of a claim by Larry Sinclair on his web site. He claimed that Mr. Obama as president has so many skeletons in his closet, (along with the bodies of some dead gay men), that he will be very prone to extortion and bribery as Commander in Chief. Larry claimed this presented a unique national security risk. I had never thought of that side of it before, I was just angry that some members of the homosexual community were being snuffed out so he could be president, but Mr. Sinclair is exactly right.
And it is why I am deeply concerned about the criminals of the world collective stepping in and taking over our government.
Clinging to my religion and gun in Colorado!
Jenny Hatch

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